SOTA Layer - Summits

In NPS Unit = NPOTA+SOTA Eligible

Near NPS boundary = Uncertain

Outside NPS Unit = SOTA Only
NPOTA Layer - NPS Units

NPS Unit boundary
Center of Map:

grid subsquare:
Grid Square (center of map): |
County boundaries (zoom in): |
This map was designed to help amateur radio (ham radio) operators find locations eligible for dual activations of the NPOTA and SOTA programs, and is optimized for use on mobile phones and tablets.
It uses freely available data from the NPS and SOTA organizations, and should not be relied on to confirm locations of summits or exact NPS boundaries.
Data Sources:
NPS Unit boundaries:
SOTA Summits:
County boundaries:
Website, Map and GIS data analysis by Christiaan Adams, KJ6WEG, with contributions by N7UN, NF1R, W3IZ, W6PNG.